Contest Rules & Guidelines

Below are the general rules and guidelines for the Animenia Cosplay Competition, subject to change without notification.


  • Deadline to register is October 20.

  • Selected participants will be notified via email.

  • All applicants must provide a clear picture of the character they will be cosplaying


  1.  Costume Source Requirement: Cosplay must be based on published works such as Anime, Games, TV Shows, Movies, Manga, and Live Action. Original characters (self-invented or created) are not permitted.

  2. Costume Policy: Participants can create their own costumes or use ready-made ones. Points and prizes will be distributed accordingly.

  3. Content Adherence: Costumes, screen content, skits and gestures must adhere to both general event rules and UAE regulations, ensuring compliance. Additionally, all material must maintain a PG-13 standard; if unsure about acceptability, please contact us for clarification.

  4. Prohibited Content: Profanity, racially or culturally offensive themes, politically charged or discriminatory cosplays are not allowed.

  5. Prop Size Limitation: Props must not exceed 2 meters (6.5 feet) in height, width, or length. Large props or those that obstruct pathways or audience views require special approval from the event organizer. Please contact us in advance if you plan to bring oversized props.

  6. Prop Safety: Participants must be capable of carrying and managing the props independently. Unsafe props will not be allowed into the venue or stage.

  7. Stage and Venue Protection: The use of sprays, pyrotechnics, fireworks, confetti, staining substances, or any materials that could potentially damage the stage or venue is strictly prohibited.

  8. Organizer Discretion: The organizer reserves the right to deny entry to any cosplay deemed unsafe, damaging, or inappropriate.

  9. Confidential Communication: All inquiries regarding cosplay entries will be handled confidentially. Feel free to contact the organizer with any questions or uncertainties.

  10. Screen Content Requirements: Screen content must include both visuals and audio components.


  • Max performance duration: 1 minute

  • 1 stage assistant/helper allowed


  • Max performance duration: 2 minutes

  • Group size: Minimum 2 members, Maximum 4 members

  • Stage assistants/helpers are not allowed

Judging Criteria

Participants will be evaluated based on two main criteria: Costume and Performance.

Costume Judging (100 Points)

  1. Accuracy to Original Design (40 Points)

    • Fidelity to Source Material: Evaluate how closely the costume matches the character’s design from the original work (Anime, Games, TV Shows, Movies, Manga, Live Action). Higher scores are given for precise replication, while deviations from the original design impact the score.

  1. Costume Quality (40 Points)

    • Craftsmanship and Presentation: Assess the overall construction quality of the costume, including the fit, sewing, painting, and the integration of hand props and makeup. The visual appeal and overall presentation on stage are also considered.

  2. Technique and Complexity (20 Points)

    • Skill and Innovation: Evaluate the level of skill demonstrated in creating the costume, including the use of advanced techniques and materials. Costumes that feature complex techniques, mechanisms, or innovative features receive higher scores.

Stage Performance Judging (100 Points)

  1. Performance Execution (50 Points)

    • Storytelling and Entertainment: Assess the quality and effectiveness of the performance, including how well the story is conveyed, the use of props, and overall entertainment value. Adherence to the character’s original work is also considered.

  2. Acting and Stage Presence (20 Points)

    • Expressiveness and Skill: Evaluate the contestant’s expressiveness, including their ability to perform active elements like singing and dancing, as well as their expressiveness in less active scenes and dialogue delivery.

  3. Costume Impact (20 Points)

    • Visual Impact and Stage Presence: Assess the initial impression made by the costume on stage, including any use of gimmicks or modifications during the performance. Consider how the costume enhances the overall stage presence.

  4. X Factor (10 Points)

    • Innovation and Excitement: Award points for exceptional elements that exceed expectations, including unique ideas, creative performances, or moments that evoke strong emotional responses from the audience.

Special Awards Judging – Participants with the highest scores in specific standout aspects will be recognized for their exceptional qualities.

  1. Best in Craftsmanship (Awarded on Top of Official Winners)

    • Construction Excellence: Evaluate the technical skill and attention to detail in the costume construction. This includes the quality of materials, sewing, painting, and overall craftsmanship.

    • Creativity and Originality: Consider the innovation and creativity in the costume’s design and execution. The award is given to the entry that demonstrates superior skill in crafting and originality in costume-making techniques.

  2. Best in Performance (Awarded on Top of Official Winners)

    • Stage Presence and Execution: Assess the overall impact and effectiveness of the performance, including how well the contestant engages the audience and portrays the character through their actions and interactions.

    • Entertainment Value: Evaluate the enjoyment and entertainment provided by the performance, considering aspects such as creativity, emotional impact, and adherence to the character's original traits.

    • Performance Excellence: Consider the quality of the performance elements, including choreography, timing, and overall presentation. This award honors the most impressive and entertaining performance of the event.

  3. Best in Anime Adaptation (Awarded on Top of Official Winners)

    • Adaptation Accuracy and Faithfulness: Evaluate how well the cosplay reflects the character’s appearance and mannerisms as seen in the anime or original source material. This includes how effectively the contestant captures the essence and personality of the character through their costume and performance.

    • Integration of Anime Elements: Consider how well the costume and performance incorporate specific elements or themes from the anime, such as iconic poses, key scenes, or unique features that are central to the character.

    • Overall Impression: Assess the impact of the cosplay in terms of how it brings the anime character to life, considering both visual and performance aspects. This award celebrates the best representation of an anime character in terms of both accuracy and execution.

*For any additional queries, please contact our cosplay team!